Australian Holistic Management Co-operative

Our Market Partners: Buy Into a Healthier Australia


Barbell Foods
Maia Grazing
Paradigm Foods
Your Food Collective
Thankful 4 Farmers
Cleaver and Co
Honour Meat

The Australian Holistic Management Cooperative welcomes retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers of food, beverages and fibre to become Market Partners. Market Partners commit to supporting Ecological Outcome Verification and the efforts of our farmers and producers to improve the ecological health of their land.

This means that Market Partners are able to forge links with producers and consumers who are aligned with their business directions and are demanding ethical and regenerative products.

AHMC provides branding to distinguish a Partner's produce or outlet, and in return:

  • Market Partners must commit to supporting the values of the brand, as expressed in the 'brand wheel' below.
  • AHMC will encourage its farmers to supply to Market Partners, which may allow for their use of Ecological Outcome Verification branding.
  • Market Partners must prefer supply from AHMC members and encourage farmers to join AHMC.
Please Contact Us to discover more about the possibilities.

Brand wheel